Metaphysical Fairs 

Mind, Body, Soul Festival, Community Center, Fairfield, ME September 15th 10:00am-4:00pm

I will be offering tarot card and mediumship readings at this fair. There will also be a variety of other vendors that include animal communication, massage therapists, Reiki practitioners, stone and crystal vendors, as well as others.

Holistic Mystic Fair, Augusta Armory, Augusta, ME September 28th, 10:00am-4:00pm

I will be offering tarot card and mediumship readings at this fair. There will also be a variety of other vendors that include animal communication, massage therapists, Reiki practitioners, stone and crystal vendors, as well as others. 

Trip to Salem

Come to Salem, MA with Kenebec Neighbors Adult Education on September 29th

Contact Kennebec Neighbors Adult Education if you would like to take a day trip and explore Salem, MA. We will take two guided tours. One at the Salem Witch Museum and the other will be at the House of Seven Gables. You will have time to explore and each lunch on your on. FMI or to register call 207-377-2265.

Psychic Dinners 

Nellie’s Kitchen in Hallowell, Maine, September 17th,  6:00pm-8:30pm–SOLD OUT

Join us for dinner and a reading where you may hear from a loved one, animal, angel, or spirit guide. 
Nellie’s Kitchen is located at 1 Stevens St in Hallowell. 
To reserve your spot please contact me at 207-831-6523 or 

Cost: $25.00 (Cash only please) plus the cost of your dinner.


Shenanigan’s in Lewiston, Maine, August 24th 12:00pm-4:00pm

Come experience a intuitve psychic reading where you may hear from a loved one, spirit guide, and get your questions answered. Contact Shenanigan’s to schedule your reading 207-333-5025
Cost: 15 minutes $30.00    30 minutes $60.00.  60 minutes $120.oo  

Other Events

Readings on the Radio 

Join me on Moose 92 on the first Friday of every month as well as B98 (Central Maine’s Country station) on the third Friday of every month. Both stations are out of Augusta, Maine and can be found on the web. Call in either (or both) station to ask a question and get a quick reading. 


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